Diary of Fancy's Rescue - Updated Daily/Weekly

**The timeline of this blog starts at the bottom of the post and works it's way to the top**

December 24, 2015
It has been almost two months since Fancy's diary has been updated.  This will be a pretty long post to catch up.  In Mid-November, Fancy left her farm to go to training about 30 minutes away.  Thankfully, she has the best training farm near her.  It was bittersweet to drop her off that day because I was going to miss my girl and her silly personality on a daily basis, however, going to training is the best thing for her and her future.  She has so much to learn even though she was broke to ride at some point in her life, there are so many other skills she needs to acquire.

Her first day of training consisted of seeing what she knew and what she would allow her trainer to do.  Plus her trainer is very cautious and careful. Fancy pretty much accepted everything that was asked of her that day.  She was a very good girl and focused on her lesson.

With my job, I can only go visit her on weekends and I wondered how she would react to me for leaving her.  Like a friend told me - horses don't have cause and effect thinking. So when she saw me, she knew me and was her warm, loving self.

After our greeting she was put on the cross ties to prepare for her lesson. Apparently, she was not used to cross ties.  I did my best to make her feel comfortable and safe on them since they aren't spooky or dangerous. I am a firm believer in talking to your horse.  They truly listen. She was a very good girl while I bathed her in that space after her lesson.  She seemed to relax a bit that day.  I think she has become more relaxed about the cross ties, as time has passed.  I haven't heard otherwise and when I have visited since, she seems fine.

Her only vice thus far seems to be putting her tongue over her bit, which can be a dangerous thing when riding.  Basically the horse ignores the bit by doing this and she can pull forward and take off.  I have talked to several people about this since it's new to me.  Some say it's a "baby thing" and they grow out of it.  Some say some horses don't grow out of it.  Well if they don't grow out of it what do you do?  You can use a different kind of bit that doesn't have the room for the tongue to slip over.  Since we are very patient with Fancy's training right now, her trainer is going to continue with her training tricks to see if she can fix the habit with her existing snaffle bit, which sounds good to me.

I have also learned that Fancy is a lot like me. If she doesn't want to work, she will let you know.  I am the same way about exercise.  If I don't want to do it, I won't.  I guess we both a have a little laziness in us.  I wish I had a trainer like Fancy to push me to be my best every day!

Wednesday, October 28
Almost three months since Fancy Girl has been in my life, the heart strings for this girl make it feel like we have been together longer.  Between bad hair cuts, vet visits, blanket shopping and dietary changes, we have learned a lot about each other.  Of course, Fancy is a baby and has a youngster attitude which is fun to see considering my other boys have grown out of the childlike behavior.  Yes, horses have childlike behavior. Fancy is a picky eater, apparently she prefers Timothy hay (more expensive) than Coastal (cheap hay) but when push comes to shove she will eat everything that's given to her. She is learning to wait for me to feed her rather than being pushy which is hard since she came from a starvation situation.  She is catching on to my expectations, she's a quick learner.  Her favorite part of the feeding routine are the three cookies I give her after every meal before I head back into the house. It is a very sweet routine. She has also learned about her new rain sheet.  At first it was very spooky but now it is becoming a normal routine to take it on and off.  Even her first bath was uneventful, I bet it felt so good to finally clean the kill pen smells off of her skin.  We had to wait until her cough cleared up to bathe her and she was perfect.  Then she had her dental check up, nothing major just a very important part of horse ownership that should never be skipped!  Hopefully, you can see the expense of rescuing a horse is less than the actual ownership of one.  I am ever so grateful to my donors who rescued this beautiful girl. 
Fancy's New Sheet

Fancy's First Bath

Fancy's Dental Appointment
**Sorry my vision is terrible for photo taking**

     Saturday, October 3
Has it really only been 2 months since Fancy was rescued?  It seems longer just because of all of the things we have learned about her in our short time together.  Fancy is one brave girl!  She had another vet visit from Dr. Kivett to figure out this cough that won't go away.  The process of the exam was fascinating.  Vets need to cover a horse's nose and mouth with a bag to listen to their breathing.  Fancy has had this done twice now and she didn't put up too much of a fuss.  She still had signs of wheezing in her lungs.  The good news the wheezing hasn't gotten worse and it sounded a little better but just to make sure she's fine, Dr. Kivett took a sample from her lungs.  Fancy needed to be sedated for that part. It's hard to see in the photo that a long tube was going down her trachea to get a sample of fluid.  We should have results any day now.

This was also a big weekend for Fancy.  With her healthy and body weight improving, little girl has become more athletic.  To the point she jumped out of her paddock in the one location that didn't have an electric fence.  She walked right on by the barn, as breakfast was getting prepared.  Good thing she isn't a "freaky" personality.  She came when called and allowed her halter to be put on quite easily.  In the meantime, she was able to hunker down in one of the barn stalls.  The way the barn is designed there is a lean to on the outside for shelter plus the enclosed stall. Her buddy John stayed outside and socialized with her through the dutch door.  No drama!  It was a peaceful night in the barn for all.

The next day she finally met her herd leader face to face.  What a love fest! Watch the video here.... Fancy Meets Jake

During this encounter with Jake, I was able to capture great photos of Fancy and how much her appearance has improved.  Every day she amazes.  She is truly a blessing. Look at her beautiful coat. She is now a chocolate brown that is gorgeous in person.  Her winter hair is just starting to grow too.  It is so nice to see her ribs filling in and her haunches.  She is one lovely girl!

Wednesday, September 15

Fancy has had a runny nose and cough now for several days. This isn't a good thing for a horse.  Unlike, people and small animals we just take some meds or vitamins and we are good to go.  Not the case with Fancy.  Dr. Kivett came over this afternoon to take a look at her.  Fancy apparently has wheezing sounds in her lungs. As of right now, we are hoping she doesn't have a serious bacterial infection or pneumonia. This will mean more expensive tests for me.   We will have the results tomorrow.  Please keep Fancy in your thoughts that what she is feeling is something simple. 

Sunday, September 13

Fancy's body has been changing over the last three weeks.  The consensus is she has grown a little taller and is getting a belly.  Her personality is shining through and through.  She follows me around like a puppy and I love it.  Today I added more "toys" to her paddock.  I dragged swimming noodles on the ground and she followed their trail without a care in the world.  I have a feeling this little girl is going to be quiet, quiet, quiet!  I hung up a jolly ball for her to play with also.  Last weekend, I walked her through my obstacle course, which is similar to dog agility for horses for those of you who don't know what I am talking about.  She did a fantastic job listening to me and working on the course.  She wasn't too fond of the water pond obstacle but that can be spooky for all horses.  

A special thank you to Chris Oswald, our farrier.  He gave Fancy her first Southern Pines hoof trim and organic carrots today.  Her feet are healthy. Hallelujah! Chris was even impressed with her calmness and he was very patient when she didn't want him working on her left hind leg too long. By the way, she loves the carrots!!!!

Fancy has also met my other boys and definitely has a fondness for Jake.  Who doesn't!  They can't touch noses yet but they give each other the look. It's quiet sweet. I love seeing them near each other.  My two beautiful Walkers.  They are so similar that my heart melts.  When we leave for a trail ride, she always comes up to the fence to say goodbye then hello when we return.  She is definitely feeling at home.

Speaking of her home, Jim started to paint her shed today.  I will post photos when it's finished.  The miracle weekend project is the best way to describe her house.  Up in 1 1/2 days and painted in about the same amount of time.

All in all, Fancy is gaining weight and starting to fill out, not enough to get on her and ride though.  I want to take that process slow.  We have a ton of work to do on the ground with my obstacle course and we need to go for a drive every now and again so she knows she comes back home here.  She has added so much personality to the farm and everyone adores her that meets her.

Thursday, August 27
Fancy was very tentative at first about loading the trailer.  It made me wonder what memories were flashing in her mind.  I kept talking to her to show her she could trust me.  The bucket of grain in my hand helped a little too!  Once she was inside, she traveled perfectly.  I could hear her whinny while I was driving.  She was skeptical unloading.  We will have to work on that skill so it's safe for both of us.  She likes to turn around like Jake so I am used to that already.  My trailer is a step down and that can be scary for horses, not feeling the ground when they step back.  My boys were so excited to see her plus it was dinner time, so the energy was a tad bit lively.  Fancy stayed cool as a cucumber and walked right into her new paddock.  She began grazing and could care less about any one else, except me.  She kept watching me and looking for me when she couldn't see me behind buildings.  It was quite sweet.  All in all, she had a smooth, successful first night.  I am so grateful!

Wednesday. August 26
After a very long, hard weekend preparing Fancy's accommodations, she is coming home to our farm today.  Her quarantine is over! Hallelujah! We can now do ground work before riding and fatten this baby girl up!  She will have several new equine friends to get to know in her new digs!

Thursday, August 20
I haven't been able to visit Fancy this week due to my work schedule and I want to see her so badly.  I want her to know I didn't go away, but I know she is in good hands with Dr. Lisa Kivett right now.  Dr. Lisa gave me great news that Fancy's health is great.  She just needs to put on a lot of weight.  Fancy is healthy enough that she will be getting her vaccines and dental work done before she moves to my home next week.  This is going to be a big weekend at my farm.  We need to create a shelter and horse safe fencing for her. I am so grateful to have a friend from my work to help Jim build the structure.  I love great people!!!!  (Please read about my Non-Profit Idea in my new Post)

Sunday, August 16
Just noticed all of my dates are wrong on Fancy's Diary.  Ha! I am leaving them because it is evidence of my mental exhaustion.  Today was a great day with Fancy Girl.  My friend Diane came over to interview me for an article in our local paper and a photo shoot.  Fancy was the perfect model. She was so funny at the end of our visit when she started raising her lips at us.  This girl has a personality!!!  

Before I left for the barn, I called all of the people on Fancy's paper trail: her breeder, her former owner, 2 former veterinarians.  I only left messages since no one answered their phones.  I prefaced my messages with the reason for my call.  I honestly didn't want to chew them out; I just wanted information so I can help this beautiful horse.  Well I guess my approach worked because the breeder called me.  This is what I learned tonight.  

Fancy came from a breeder that has seen a slump in sales the last 5 years, so he isn't selling and breeding right now.  He is keeping what he has.  Fancy was sold to a lady (who will remain nameless) when she was first weened from her mama 2 1/2 years ago.  He did mention people were calling him telling him about the horse being at an auction in NC, which I know is true because a new friend told me she was calling him.  Apparently, the lady who owned Fancy, had two walking horses babies.  Her daughters wanted to show, so the lady put the young horses into training spending $700 a month and never getting anything out of it.  Fancy wasn't learning apparently. Well that is not what I saw on her video at the kill buyer.  I told him that she has an amazing gait and was ridden without a bit!  Which leads me to a whole new topic of people who say they are trainers and they aren't! Taking money from people who just want to do the right thing.  With Fancy, not learning, she got 2 Quarter Horses for her daughters which meant the walking horses needed to go to the auction.  This is when I asked him to give her my number since she has been in touch with him.  She always called him but he will give my number to her Dad.  He has the Dad's number.  This is where we ended the conversation.  I am grateful that he called me back.  I always try to understand other people and their stories. In this case, it is helping me learn about Fancy!

Hamming it up at our photo shoot today

Saturday, August 8

After an emotional roller coaster of a week, I decided to sleep in and not ride my boys today.  I needed to re-energize.  My plans for the morning were to grocery shop for Fancy and to introduce Jim to her.  Easy day.  Fancy was so curious and sweet.  She came to me again from the far end of the paddock.  I hope she is starting to trust that I am a good human. I am using my own money now and I sent a photo on Instagram #monroemoney.  I want my donors to feel good about helping and know I am too. 

I am starting to really dive into researching her next step after quarantine.  I want to be prepared for where I am going to keep her on our property. Initially, I had thought she could go to a trainer.  NO WAY! She is thinner than I thought, so it is going to take months to get her weight up to par.  I chat with people in a Facebook Group for Training Gaited Horses.  They are very resourceful.  I will share their posts in another blog entry.

Friday, August 7

Received a message from my vet that Fancy's exam went well.  She still has to wait for vaccines.  Dr. Lisa told me that she can hear sand in her belly. She will be eating in her stall to help minimize any more sand.  Her belly sounds will be monitored.  I need to bring her good hay tomorrow to help with the fiber intake.

Thursday, August 6

Popped by after work again to check on Fancy.  She came to me to visit.  She is so gentle and kind.  I brought a used brush to brush her.  She enjoyed the attention very much.  I couldn't stay too long but it's important to me that she knows I am here for her.  

Wednesday, August 5

Today was one of my busiest days at work and I couldn't keep my mind focused at all.  Fancy arrived later than anticipated, which worked out for me.  I had never been to her quarantine farm before and it was so beautiful! I felt like I was driving back in time down a long road to a private estate with iron gates to greet me.  While I waited for her, I took in the gorgeous surroundings of an established, historical farm.  It was built by the RJ Reynolds family in the 1920's.  Fancy will have a huge paddock with beautiful grass to graze on and the best care.

During her quarantine period, I have to wear clothes that I can wash right away when I get home and shoes that I will only wear to see her.  I can't go home to clean and feed my own horses after seeing her.  I am so grateful my husband has taken on the chores for our horse babies while I meet and visit with Fancy regularly. Plus Fancy is 20 minutes away from our place, I don't have time to do it all!
Once she comes here and I don't have to change my clothes and shower, it will be easier.  

When the truck arrived, my eyes filled with tears of joy.  I couldn't believe this was happening.  What a miracle!


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